You are here : CRM > Sales Order Maintenance > Inquiry Close Entry Inquiry Close Entry
This option allows to Close an existing Inquiry. Once an Inquiry is closed, Quotation can not be created against it.
Moreover, if a Quotation has already been made against an Inquiry, that Inquiry can not be Closed.
A list of all existing Inquiries generated through Lead Entry option will be displayed in a grid as shown above.
Please note that only those Inquiries will be displayed against which Quotation(s) have NOT been generated.
<DoubleClick> anywhere on the row to view the details of current Inquiry. This facility is only for your viewing purpose and no changes can be made through it.
Click on the small white box to select or de-select a particular Inquiry. You can select multiple Inquiries in the same fashion.
Only the selected Inquiries will be Closed.
Moreover, you can also enter Remarks, if any related to the closure of an Inquiry. To do so, after selecting an Inquiry, go to the last column of 'Remark' in the grid and click on the field. Now enter the Remarks (Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 250). Press <TAB> once done.
C lick on 'Save' button to Close the selected Inquiries or 'Cancel' button to discard.